Bathroom Wall Stamps
What to do:
Draw horizontal lines on the wall using a ruler, pencil and spirit level, and mark
out equal spaces where you want the squares to be. Use a piece of sponge to
make the stamp. Drw a square on the sponge with a felt-tip pen and cut out the
shape carefully using scalpel. Pour a little of the silver paint on to a plate and dip
the sponge into the paint. Practise stamping squares on a spare sheet of paper
until you get the hang of the amount of paint and pressure you need. Then stamp
squares on to the wall in the positions you have marked. Leave to dry.
What you need: ruler, pencil, spirit level, sponge, felt-tip pen, scalpel, silver
paint, plate, scrap paper.
Estimated time needed: 2 hours plus drying
ref: 100 Bright Ideas for Bathrooms |