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  Instant splashback  

Instant Splashback

What to do:
1. Place one piece of Perspex on top of the other and line them up carefully. Drill four holes through both pieces, one in the middle of each side. Then drill matching holes in the tile splashback.
2. Copy some butterfly motifs on to tracing paper, then transfer them to the coloured paper and cut out carefully with a craft knife.
3. Arrange the motifs on one sheet of Perspex. When you are happy with the design, spray the totifs with adhesive and stick on the Perspex.
4. Place the second piece of Perspex on top and fix the whole splashback in place with mirror screws. Seal the joins with sealant to stop the inside misting up.

You will need: 2 pieces of Perspex to fit the splashback, drill, tracing paper, pencil, coloured paper, craft knife, cuttin mat, spray adhesive, 4 mirror screws, screwdriver, clear silicone sealant.

Time needed: 3 hour plus drying

ref: 100 Bright Ideas for Kitchens

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