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  Lace door cabinet  

Lace Door Cabinet

What to do:
1. Cut two lengths of hardwood to the height of the unit, and two pieces to the width of the unit minus 20cm. Sand the ends to remove any splinters, the glue them together to make a door frame.
2. When the glue is dry, screw mending plates across the joins of the wood inside of the door. Fix the doorknob on to the outside of the door and the paint the door with primer and allow to dry.
3. Lightly sand the shelving unit inside and out and paint the primer. Leave to dry, then paint both the door and the unit with coloured oil-based paint. Allow to dry.
4. Hem the fabric on all four edges and fix it to the back of the door using upholstery tacks. Hold the door in place on the unit and mark where you want to position the hinges on the frame and unit. Drill holes and screw the hinges into place.

What you need: plain wood shelving unit, hardwood batten (10cm wide and 12mm thick), sandpaper, wood glue, mending plates, screws, screwdriver, doorknob, wood primer, paintbrush, oil-based paint, lace fabric, needle and cotton, upholstery tacks, hammer, 2 hinges, pencil, drill.

Estimated time needed: 4 hours plus drying

ref: 100 Bright Ideas for Bathrooms

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