Chalkboard Serving Tray
What to do:
Step 1: Sand the pine with 240-grit sandpaper until nice and smooth. Wipe away all traces of dust.
Step 2: Apply wide masking tape around the edge of the board. The wide tape protects the edge of the board from overspray.
Step 3: Spray on 3 to 4 coats of chalkboard spray, applying light coats and working from side to side. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next coat.
Step 4: Let the paint dry before gently peeling off the masking tape.
GOOD TO KNOW: Prime the chalkboard before you use. Wipe chalk across the entire surface and then wipe away with a lightly damp cloth.
Step 5: Attach your choice of handles to finish off.
What you need:
1. Piece of pine approximately 300 x 900mm
240-grit sanding paper
Wide masking tape
Rust-Oleum chalkboard spray
Estimated time needed: 30 minutes plus drying
ref: easydiy.co.za |